October 9

Why you should implement RFID tags to improve hotel linen tracking processes

Laundry Operations


As part of the hospitality industry, hotels typically operate on a large scale. This includes being furnished with an adequate stock of linen items such as bedsheets, face towels, and bath towels. For a constant supply of linen items to be ready for use, commercial laundries have to exercise better hotel linen tracking management to meet their high demands. 

However, with the lack of technology, this process can be tedious and time-consuming for linen managers and their subordinates. Having to manually count, sort, and pack linen items can take up much of the employees’ productivity and time spent on an average work day. 

Additionally, linen managers are faced with the difficult task of ensuring that hotel linen tracking costs are kept within the allocated budget of their employer. This places undue stress on them to meet their KPIs while managing the linen without creating a dent in their employers’ operational costs. Fortunately, these issues can be rectified with a laundry asset management system that uses RFID tags. 

Let’s explore 4 valuable reasons commercial laundries should begin investing in RFID tags when dealing with hotels.

1. Automated linen counting and tracking process 

Without RFID tags, commercial laundry employees have to manually count and sort a large volume of linen items by type, size, colour, location, and stage of the life cycle. Each RFID tag has a unique identification number. As such, data pertaining to an entire set of linen items can be accurately transmitted to employees, giving them a detailed rundown of a batch of linen items.

Additionally, an RFID tag is embedded with real-time location tracking, which can minimise the loss of items through misplacement or theft. These advantages significantly reduce the workload of commercial laundry employees, giving them more flexibility to focus on high-value, productive tasks. It also significantly reduces the labour-related costs commercial laundries have to bear.

2.  Eliminated processing costs and errors 

Despite the best practices of due diligence and care carried out by employees, human error is inevitable, especially when it comes to linen management processes. By utilising RFID tags, the probability of mixing up clean and soiled linens, repeating the cleaning process for the same items, and spending extra hours manually processing various linen loads could negatively impact workforce productivity.

With the help of RFID tags, data that is transmitted from the tags to a reader provides the real-time status of a complete batch of linen items. This helps to minimise labour costs while offering employees ample time to focus on other more important tasks. Automated, real-time updates of RFID tags help commercial laundries significantly improve their cost-saving measures.

3.  Adequate and reliable stock control measures 

One of the biggest challenges faced by commercial laundries is the ability to provide an adequate supply of linen items to clients, without the issues of running out of stock or overstocking. Using accurate data from RFID tags, valuable insights regarding the number of times a linen item has been laundered, its condition, as well as its expected lifespan can be obtained. 

Using this data-driven information, decision-makers can ensure they furnish hotel clients with linen items that are only of optimal quality. This way, commercial laundries maintain good quality control and customer service with their clients, whilst minimising the probability of damaging linen items, which could incur additional operational costs for them. 

4.  Exceptional customer service 

With its real-time location tracking capabilities, RFID tags help commercial laundry employees provide accurate reports to hotel-based clients and other customers of their linen orders. This helps to boost the reputation of the commercial laundry as the go-to provider for their linen orders, as their ability to furnish accurate order statuses in real-time increases their reliability among their customer base. 

Furthermore, this benefit can increase customer satisfaction rates. Through high ratings, reviews, and positive testimonials from hotel-based clients, commercial laundries can attract new customers easily. These reviews act as evidence that excellent service delivery is backed by existing and very satisfied customers. 

Invest in RFID tags to improve hotel linen tracking management 

Through RFID capabilities, commercial laundries can provide an exceptional hotel linen tracking service delivery to hotel-based clients, alongside other clients from various industries. RFID tags not only simplify and streamline linen tracking processes but they also help reduce significant operational costs as well as boost workforce productivity. Schedule a consultation with a linen management expert today to begin your journey towards an improved linen management lifecycle with the help of RFID tags.

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