October 1

Devising clever ways to reduce operational costs with Bundle Connect

Laundry Operations


When running a commercial laundry business, one of our first mission statements is to reduce operational costs. But doing so is easier said than done. 

This is because cutting operating costs is not something that is done overnight—there is no single measure or policy you can undertake that would lower the cost of doing business.

Instead, cutting costs is a strategic initiative that tackles several areas of your commercial laundry business. 

If you want to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, and maximise ROI, you need to identify the resource-intense branches of your commercial laundry and streamline operations. 

Streamlining operations would reduce costs because it takes less time and resources to get work done. 

But what is the best way for executing this strategy? How do you optimise commercial laundry operations? This is where Bundle Connect can help.

Bundle Connect is a sophisticated BI platform that centralises and streamlines management operations to reduce operating costs. 

Whether you want to complete repetitive procedures, such as invoicing or complex operations, everything is just a fingertip away with our commercial laundry platform. 

You can leverage our platform to streamline time-consuming operations to get work done faster and reduce the cost of doing business.

Let us take a deep dive into how Bundle Connect can help you cut down costs. 

Reduce operational costs with Bundle Connect 

Here is how Bundle Connect can reduce the cost of running your commercial laundry business.

Streamline invoice processing 

Invoice processing consumes a lot of time, particularly if you are managing dozens of clients. Bundle Connect can simplify the process by automating these repetitive steps.

Whether you need to send out invoices or create new ones, Bundle Connect can streamline the process.

The system features a filter that can help you sort out your invoices based on date, range or billing category, making it easier to discern which clients need their invoices and which don’t. 

You can also export the invoices to CSV or email them directly to your clients, streamlining the process of managing multiple clients.

This will help reduce costs and improve productivity where invoice management is involved.

Centralise customer experience management

Customer management is an administrative process that drives up operating costs in subtle ways. 

Customer management determines how we handle customer data; if our processes are wrong, it can affect pricing, invoicing, and linen management, driving up operating costs.

Fortunately, Bundle Connect can streamline and automate this part to ensure accurate results. 

The management system has a customer details page with tabs. The first tab contains vital information such as billing periods, delivery days, and delivery routes to help review the details. Meanwhile, the stock control tab contains details on pack size and pricing (which can be adjusted). 

If your clients—for example, hospitals—have different departments with their linen load requirements, you can break down your customer profile into sub-levels to record the needs of each department. 

Using this option, you can ensure that different departments and subsections of your client get the linen load they need. It also adds a level of sophistication and precision to your customer management that would be hard to find elsewhere.

Manage multiple sites from one location 

If you happen to be managing several sites from one location, then Bundle Connect can streamline the process. 

The Bundle Connect system allows you to toggle between multiple sites from a single platform. When you need to manage customers, invoices, and reports from a different branch, you can switch to the relevant location in seconds. 

When you make the switch, the necessary data will be loaded immediately for you to assess, reducing the amount of time needed to perform your administrative workload

Reduce operating costs with Bundle Connect 

The modern business environment suffers from the aftereffects of several exogenous shocks, which drives up the cost of running a commercial laundry business. 

However, with the right technology, you can devise innovative ways to reduce operational costs. This would involve streamlining complex administrative processes that take a lot of time and resources to complete. 

Removing the complexity from repetitive processes can reduce the time required to complete administrative operations, in turn improving productivity, generating more value, and reducing the cost of running a commercial laundry business.

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