Whilethere is no denying that the industry is undergoing some hard times, this couldbe seen as a chance to examine operational capacity, make meaningful changes,and prepare for the future.
Workingon your business. That’s why we are offering commercial laundries, that havebeen affected by COVID-19, completely free set up of Bundle Connect – you don’tpay a cent until you start using the platform commercially!
What can commercial laundries doduring this time?
Thereis no denying that these are tough times for commercial laundries, and whilethere is no doubt that the pandemic will be brought under control, that timecould be a long way off.
Asunlikely as it seems, now is the perfect opportunity for businesses tocritically examine their business operations and to plan for their future.Customers will return in time, but will your business be in a position toreceive them in the new world? Will you be refreshed and rearing to go withsystems and processes that work well for both you and your customer?
Adigital transformation could be one of the best means to overhaul and improveyour business. Whether you are planning to expand into new markets, raiserevenue, improve your invoicing processes, or track textiles better,strengthening your technological infrastructure can help you accomplish theseobjectives and more.
To help you along with the digital transformation, we are offering free setup of our cloud-based laundry management solution, Bundle Connect.
What can Bundle Connect do for you?
BundleConnect is a cloud laundry management system that can help businesses improvetheir operations to save time and money. The management system is designed tostreamline invoicing, packing and ordering processes to help you reduce costsand improve production efficiency.
With Bundle Connect, you have the opportunity to automate most manual administrative processes connected with customers, orders, deliveries and invoices. Automating these tasks would be a tremendous cost-saver and improve accuracy by a considerable margin.

Furthermore,when processes are automated, there is a chance of converting variableprocesses into standardised processes, which means, fewer chances of errorsbeing made. Besides automating processes, it’s possible to improve customerservice using Bundle Connect. The system features a dedicated customer portal,to help you better manage your customers.
By automating most manual administrative processes, you are free to spend more time on important tasks, like improving your relationship with customers, and building trust that will lead to a long, productive relationship.
WithBundle Connect, businesses can start generating and using data. Cloud-basedsystems like ours allow you to get deeper insight into specific operations,breaking them down into the smallest variable you deem relevant, so thatanalysis is not only deeper but much easier to do, as well.
Thedata produced from Bundle Connect gives you a firm foundation for well-informeddecision-making, something we could all use during this time! With BundleConnect, you will have accurate data and information for daily productiondemand reports that adjust in real-time as orders are packed.
Byinvesting in a cloud-based laundry management system, like Bundle Connect, youhave the opportunity to transform business operations for the better. BundleConnect can give you the information and oversight you need to transform youroperations in any way you deem best for your business.
How to get started?
Timesare tough, but now is the right time to redefine your business to cut costs andincrease profits. Consider the peace of mind you will get from cost savings,time savings and accurate data. Think about how you can standardise processesand remove errors, improving productivity and efficiency
All of this is possible with Bundle Connect. If you’re committed to your business for the long haul, you can sign up for Bundle Connect for free, today.