July 18

How you can improve laundry productivity with laundry software

Blog insights, Laundry Operations


Laundry software has entered the commercial industry and completely changed the way the industry makes efficiency gains, run its operations, and even interact with their clients.

Beyond the same old refrains of efficiency and productivity, however, what can these solutions really do for a commercial laundry?

At a time where laundry automation and technology is emerging as mainstream tools in the industry, laundry management software, specifically, those which introduce greater management and operational control is needed before commercial laundries reach their full potential.

Continue reading for a look at the benefits no one talks about when you introduce laundry business management software to your commercial laundry.

Commercial clients generally have standard requirements when it comes to laundering their linen. They send through a specific number of linen loads and expect it within an agreed time frame.

This, however, is the best-case scenario. The same clients can come barrelling in, from time to time, with demands for a quick turnaround on their linen.

By analysing the trends relating to their frequency, the types of linen they send across and the fabrics used – all information easily provided to you with laundry software – you can create workflows and washing processes that optimise operational efficiency in your commercial laundry.

In addition to this, you can also leverage garment processing analysis where you identify which types of garments you launder the most, allowing you to identify systematic best practices that make your cleaning more effective.

This could also be useful in terms of coming up with customised discount packages to reward their loyalty from time to time!

Monitor laundry performance and keep track of your goals

Another key benefit you can leverage with your laundry management software is monitoring your business performance and its related goals.

With the analytics provided by your platform, you can see if your laundry is on track to achieve established growth projections. This is important because in the hubbub of everyday activity, concerns about long-term goals and performance often get swept under the rug.

The danger of neglecting of business analytics is that it can lead to ad-hoc decision making, instead of resulting in strategic decisions. This data will also help you see which processes aren’t working for your laundry and what you need to change to improve your pace and output.

Establish systematic work plans and schedules

A commercial laundry without structured work plans and processes in place can doom themselves to stagnant growth – a facility without a future.

At a time when the industry is experiencing staggering levels of competition, staying ahead comes down to being methodical and well-planned. Industry-leading laundry business management software can help you do just that.

Maintain effortless stock control at all times

RFID tracking is no stranger to the commercial laundry industry. An industry with an estimated value of more than $9 billion by 2026, RFID chips are now being embedded into individual linen items, giving laundries greater control of their stock, especially, if they rent out their linen.

If you do the same in your laundry, find commercial laundry software that allows you to integrate cloud-based RFID tracking. This gives you instant visibility into where each item of linen is at any given moment.

With the right software, you can also combine RFID technology to optimise GPS delivery routes, making your delivery process expedient and as cost-effective as possible.

Moreover, tracking technology also helps you save thousands of dollars in the future in terms of lost or misplaced linen – an almost guaranteed casualty of commercial laundry operations!

Introduce laundry management software to your business to see real, long-term growth!

Laundry software has demonstrated its weight in gold in the few short years it has emerged in the commercial laundry industry. Giving operators a level of control previously unimaginable, these tools help optimise every aspect of operations.

Are you frustrated about the way your laundry runs? Eager to change the way things works?

Well, with automated laundry business management software you can make data-driven changes to everything that isn’t contributing to overall growth and profitability!

Choose Bundle Laundry’s recognised commercial laundry software to make lasting changes to your operations.

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