January 28

Bundle Connect Introduces New Rental Charges Feature



We are excited to roll out another productivity improvement with our new Rental Charges update to Bundle Connect.

For many of you, renting your linen forms a core part of your business. With this new feature, you can now enjoy greater control over your rental stock along with far easier charging and management.

How does it work?

The new feature allows you to set up orders containing stock on perpetual rental periods. This function is available via the ‘+’ button on the top menu, underneath ‘New Order’.

Please note that you must have the ‘Advanced Invoices’ add-on enabled in order to make use of this feature. If you don’t, using our ‘Rental Charges’ feature will cost you an additional $50 per month, as well as for all the advanced invoice functions contained therein.

How do rental charges work?

Once the rental charge has been set up, it sits in the ‘Pending Orders’ screen until the selected day arrives.

At this time, it automatically sends the charge to the pending invoices screen, ready to be invoiced within your usual invoice run.

How do I set up rental charges?

1. Select ‘New Rental Charges’

To set up your new order, simply head to the same drop-down menu highlighted in the image below and select ‘New Rental Charge’.

2. Select the type of customer and the date you wish to set your order up for

Once you get to the ‘New Rental Charge’ page, select the type of customer you wish to set the order up for. If you choose a single, one-time customer, you will be asked to select a date.

If your customer’s order is recurring, select that option and then choose how frequently you wish to schedule your order. You then purchase the order and add the chosen stock to your order.

3. Manage rental charges changes

The order then sits in the pending invoices tab and can be viewed via the ‘Rental Charges’ filter. This is accessible through the ‘More’ filters option, and looks like this. 

Once you’re on this screen, you can click on rental charges to manage it.

Here, you’re not required to dispatch a rental charge. These orders automatically move over to the pending invoices screen when the selected day arrives. If the rental charge is recurring, it also creates a new order for the next period. This is indicated in the screen below.

When editing a rental charge, you can change its type (one-off or recurring), frequency (daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly), the stock items contained, and if applicable, the date.

That’s how you make use of our new ‘Rental Charges’ feature! We certainly hope it proves useful to you and your laundry. Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries, feedback or suggestions.

At Bundle Laundry, we provide you with exceptional laundry management systems. Head to our website to find out more about Bundle Connect and our range of solutions for commercial laundries.

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