August 20

How a hand-held portable UHF RFID reader optimises linen inventory and counting



Are you tired of expensive and inaccurate stocktakes at your and your customer’s sites? Want to check the wash? Do you want to instantly check the wash or use history of a textile, or just want to do a spot count on stock returned to your laundry?

We understand that counting linen can become a time-consuming and inefficient process and its regressive effects on stock tracking, client reporting, and overall management. 

However, with the right solution, you can convert this time-consuming function into a timely and efficient process that generates value for your commercial laundry business with the right solution.

At Bundle Laundry, this is what we specialise in. 

Our top of the line hand-held UHF RFID reader can help you with stock management and checking, both onsite and offsite.

What challenges does the UHF RFID reader resolve?

– Inability to get status on linen without managing each piece of linen.

– Manual counting processes that are awkward and uncomfortable to do.

– Double workload for employees doubles when they have to count linen.

– Linen counting is a time-consuming and efficient process.

What can the Hand-held UHF RFID Reader do?

The new Hand Held UHF RFID Reader is designed to read the latest generation (ISO18000-6C) UHF transponders and communicate with a variety of host devices, including Windows-based phones, tablets, and PCs via Bluetooth wireless technology or a USB cable.

RFID data can be stored on an optional MicroSD memory card (at least 25 million transponders on a typical 2GB card). This allows logging all transponder readings and helps you collect data, even if USB or Bluetooth communication channels are not available.

What are the benefits of the hand-held UHF RFID reader? 

• Variable read distances from 20cm to 180cm depending on the reading requirement.

• Ergonomic style with comfortable trigger handle for intensive RFID scanning.

• Very light (360g) yet robust enough to handle the tough environment of an industrial laundry.

• Fast, accurate and easy to use with transponder read confirmation via a speaker, vibration and LED.

• Communicate via wireless to a portable device or via a USB cable to a PC.

• Batch data collection when host connection is not available.

• Fully ISO/IEC 18000-6C compatible reader.


Q.1 – Can I connect the linen readings to my BI platform?

If you are using the Bundle Laundry platform, then the RFID reader can convey the information directly to your BI platform, which you can leverage for deeper analysis. This analysis can be conducted in real-time and with minimal delays and fuss. 

By using the reader, you can optimise several critical procedures, such as inventory management. This will be critical for improving customer reporting and preventing losses.

Q.2 – Who do I reach out to if something goes wrong during repairs?

Our support team is ready to support you and keep critical functions running smoothly. Call us at (18) 00 4 73839 or send us an email at

Q.3 – Is the data from the transponder relayed to systems in real-time?

Yes, the transponder can collect and convert the data on linen sheets in real-time. This ensures that we get the latest insights on linen readings.

Q.4 – What information can be conveyed with the RFID reader? 

When the RFID reader scans the linen sheet, it will immediately relay the location of the linen. You can use the information to determine the number of variables related to stock management and convert it into a more efficient process. 

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